Gatherer Service Failed to encrypt new master key

Had an interesting problem the other day where, upon examining the Search Administration service, it was discovered that no content was being indexed. Any existing content in the index had been removed en masse one night.

Neither restarting nor resetting the index, common ways to fix search errors, did anything. Any new indexing attempts would yield errors saying that the content could not be indexed because access was denied. The content access account did not have any issues with it, though an attempt at updating it for the sake of completeness yielded the following error on the Search Administration page:

The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on Server page in SharePoint Central Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in progress.

Still, the error did not point to anything of use. According to the Search Administration page the search server was healthy and running, with everything showing green checkmarks (the only clue that something was amiss was that there were no searchable items).

An examination of the SharePoint ULS logs showed the following:
mssearch.exe SharePoint Server Search Crawler:Gatherer Service High Failed to encrypt new master key [gthrapp.cxx:4149] search\native\gather\gthrsvc\gthrapp.cxx

mssearch.exe SharePoint Server Search Crawler:Gatherer Service High Failed to write master key to registry [gthrapp.cxx:4094] search\native\gather\gthrsvc\gthrapp.cxx

Unfortunately these seems to have been an unique situation – no one else seems to have had this problem (that I found).

Further investigation into the Windows Event Logs yielded this for the search service service account:
The LoadUserProfile call failed with the following error:
Access is denied.

Finally! A clue! Turns out the profile for the search service account was corrupt. By deleting the corrupt user profile (which showed up as “Backup” on the User Profile management dialog (Computer > Properties > Advanced > User Profiles) and restarting the search service, our search finally was able to reindex our content!

Selectively running AutoSPInstaller scripts

If you’ve never used AutoSPInstaller ( to setup SharePoint, I recommend you do so. It takes some of the annoyances out of SharePoint setup – for one, it allows you to name databases as you please instead of letting SharePoint attach GUIDs all over the place. And instead of having to go to multiple places/pages to get everything configured, all your configuration options are in one file.
It’s been awhile since I’ve needed to use AutoSPInstaller, and it’s even better since I’ve used it – instead of editing a XML file in Notepad you can now go through a wizard on their site. Simply copy the files AutoSPInstaller provides along with the SharePoint installer files into the locations it specifies and run the AutoSPInstaller launcher, and soon you’ll have your own little custom SharePoint environment!

Most of the time AutoSPInstaller works great by itself without the need to restart it. In the rare (read: my last attempt) event that it doesn’t and you need to rerun the installation script halfway through, good news – it is definitely possible! Each part of the AutoSPInstaller setup is a function, so we simply have to load the function declarations and your configuration into a SharePoint PowerShell window (as admin):

[xml]$xmlinput = (Get-Content "") -replace "localhost", $env:COMPUTERNAME
. "\AutoSPInstallerFunctions.ps1"

where <path to your XML file> is the path to your configuration file and <path to AutoSPInstaller folder> is where your AutoSPInstaller PowerShell scripts are stored. Notice the space in the second line between the period and the script path.

These commands load the AutoSPInstaller functions into memory and your configuration into a variable named $xmlinput. To continue your installation now all you have to do is open the AutoSPInstallerMain.ps1 file and look at the functions in the order which they are called, then run the functions as desired:


InstallLanguagePacks $xmlinput
ConfigureFarm $xmlinput

h/t to

When SharePoint search stops everything: Stopping SharePoint Search using PowerShell

One of our SharePoint servers wasn’t responding the other day. At all. Central Administration and the sites hosted on the server wouldn’t load. You could try to login through Remote Desktop, but that would go as far as getting your login information and stop there. Ditto with the console.

Rebooting the server seemed to help slightly, in that you could actually get some stuff to load within the first 5 minutes before everything ground to a halt again. Browsing through the ULS logs showed that something was accessing content on the server under the search crawl account.

Seems like a “Full” crawl started previously never finished. But how would you stop that search without access to the Search Service Administration page?

Luckily we were able to launch a SharePoint PowerShell window before everything ground to a halt. Via, the following command will let you stop SharePoint crawls using PowerShell:

Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication "Search Service Application" | ForEach-Object {
If($_.CrawlStatus -ne "Idle")
Write-Host "Stopping crawl on Content source $($_.Name)..."

While ($_.CrawlStatus -ne "Idle")
Write-Host "Waiting to crawl to be stopped..." -f DarkYellow
sleep 3
write-host "Crawl Stopped Successfully!" -f DarkGreen
write-host "Crawl Status of the Content source '$($_.Name)' is Idle!" -f DarkGreen

More lessons on changing SharePoint credentials

Changing service account credentials in SharePoint is always an adventure. You never know whether something’s going to go wrong, leading to an afternoon’s worth of searching for expired credentials, updating them, and hoping that’s the last one. So you can imagine how I felt when I found out that one of our SharePoint instances wasn’t working because the employee who had set it up using his own account (one of those rookie mistakes, I suppose) had left. His account had naturally been disabled and so the SharePoint timer service couldn’t run. Because the farm administrator’s account was disabled Central Administration couldn’t be used to change any managed account credentials as it is inaccessible along with the other SharePoint sites.

In cases like this it is necessary to go back to the days of our friend STSADM. Yes, even though Microsoft has been moving towards PowerShell for many SharePoint command line operations, changing farm credentials is not one of them. On the primary SharePoint (Central Administration) server, run:

stsadm –o updatefarmcredentials –userlogin <DOMAIN\username> –password <password>

On all the other servers in the farm, run:

stsadm –o updatefarmcredentials –userlogin <DOMAIN\username> –password <password> -local

Make sure the “-local” switch is included, otherwise the update commands will conflict.

As is often the case with SharePoint, an iisreset /noforce is necessary.

Now that the farm account was taken care of, it was time to determine what else was broken. Since we now had access to Central Administration it was now possible to change most accounts via Security > Configure Service Accounts. However, attempting to change the Distributed Cache account will lead to the following error message:

Sorry, something went wrong
Distributed Cache Service does not support this operation from Central Administration. Please use Sharepoint Powershell commandlets.

(Ah, Microsoft…one minute you want me to use STSADM and another you want me to use PowerShell…)

Googling this error leads to the following blog post:

There’s a section on this page – Change the Service Account – which tells you what needs to be done, with one exception: the script provided doesn’t have line breaks!

Here is the proper script:

$farm = Get-SPFarm
$cacheService = $farm.Services | where {$_.Name -eq "AppFabricCachingService"}
$accnt = Get-SPManagedAccount -Identity <DOMAIN\username>
$cacheService.ProcessIdentity.CurrentIdentityType = "SpecificUser"
$cacheService.ProcessIdentity.ManagedAccount = $accnt

Run this command as a PowerShell administrator and your Distributed Cache should be back up and running. At least until you discover those other services running under that same account….

Filtering a SharePoint 2013 list using user provided values

Let’s say we have a InfoPath form containing a multiple selection list box.
Because we need to keep track of every selection made in this list box, we choose to “merge” the data from this list box into a column when it is published to SharePoint.  This results in a column in the form library containing entries with concatenated strings (e.g. “Item 1 Item 3…Item 6”).

It isn’t unreasonable to need to find items in this list where a certain item is selected.  Unfortunately how this is done isn’t as straightforward as one might think as there are several pitfalls:

  • Were this a regular text column you could create a view that grouped items based on the column.  However, the merged column created by InfoPath is not sortable or filterable.
  • You could create a view that filtered all entries that contained the item text that you are looking for.  But you’d have to create a new view for each item in the list.
  • URL filtering at the URL level (1) doesn’t work either: this would only show results where the text you are looking for is the ONLY item selected.  For example, if Items 1, 3, and 5 were selected in on entry that entry would not show up since the URL filter is looking for the text “Item 1” and only that text.
  • You could tell users to use the search functionality on the list. Though this works it may also present some false results if your entries contain similar data across multiple columns.

So what do we do?  There is a solution, and it involves Web Part filters, which allow users to filter data on a web part based on their input.  To set this up involves a number of steps, so let’s go through them.

  1. Create a new (or modify an existing) view in the relevant list.  NOTE: This method only works for standard list views.  It will not work for calendar or Gantt views (if you know of a way to get this to work, please speak up).
  2. In the “Filter” section of the edit view page, add a filter for the appropriate column and set the text for the filter to be

    where <variable> is a variable name of your choosing.  This text will be substituted for the text that the user provides later on.

  3. Save the view, then navigate to it (if applicable).  Click on the gear on the top right hand side of the page (next to your name and before the help button), then select “Edit Page.”
  4. You will be placed into an edit view with a one column SharePoint page design.  Click on the “Add a Web Part” link.
  5. In the “Categories” section of the resultant ribbon, select the “Filters” folder.  This will present you with a list of Web Parts that can be used as filters for your page.  Select a filter of your choice, then click the “Add” button.
  6. Your selected filter will be added to the page.  Some web parts need to be configured; if this is the case, configure it now (click on the web part, then the “Web Part” tab on the ribbon, “Web Part Properties”).
  7. Save the changes to your page (“Page” tab in ribbon).
  8. Determine the HTML name for the form field that you just added by referring to the HTML code for the page.  For most of the filters this is the text field that contains the text that will be searched for when the filtering is performed.
  9. Open the site in SharePoint Designer.  Using the “All Files” folder, navigate to the list that you are editing and look in the “Forms” folder for the view that you are editing.  Open the file.
  10. Look for a XML tag block named <ParameterBindings>.  It should contain several <ParameterBinding> tags.  Add another:
    <ParameterBinding Name="<your parametername>" Location="Postback;Connection;Form(<fieldname>);QueryString(<variable>)" />

    <ParameterBinding> is the name that the SharePoint filter is expecting to pass it’s selected value to; <variable> is the name you chose earlier.  These can be same.  <fieldname>is the name of the field you found in step 8 (3), (4).

  11. Save the page.
  12. Edit the page as you did in step 3.
  13. Select the filter web part.  Click on the drop down menu on the top right, then select “Connections > Send Filter Values to > .”  You will be presented with a web page dialog – some web browsers may try to hide this pop up, so you may need to disable pop up blocking on your browser for your SharePoint site if you haven’t already.
  14. “Get Parameters” from should be selected by default as the “Connection Type;” if it is not select it.  Click “Configure.”
  15. The next page/tab should have the variable name that you created in step 10.  Again, if it is not select it.  Click “Finish.”
  16. Congratulations, you’ve set up a linked filter!  Try it out to see if there are any issues that need fixing: if you enter a value in the filter text box and hit enter, the web part below should update with the filtered results.



Setting SharePoint Business Data Catalog limits

Got an error from an user who was using Business Data Connectivity to retrieve a large number of records from a database. That generated an error:

“Database Connector has throttled the response. The response from database contains more than ‘2000’ rows. The maximum number of rows that can be read through Database Connector is ‘2000’. The limit can be changed via the ‘Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig’ cmdlet.”

OK, simple enough. Or, as it turns out, not quite (but definitely still on the easy side!).

  1. First, we need the GUID for the Business Data Connectivity service.  Use the Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet in the SharePoint PowerShell to do this – just run the command and it will give you a list of service applications and their GUIDs.  Copy the GUID for the BDC.
  2. Now we need to get the BDC proxy and assign it to a variable (piping will not work here):
    $ServiceApplication = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity <GUID from step 1>
  3. If you want to see what the current limits are, you can run the Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig cmdlet by itself.
    Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items -ServiceApplicationProxy $ServiceApplication
  4. Now set the new limits. This time, we do pipe the results from Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig to the Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig cmdlet.
    Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items - ServiceApplicationProxy $ServiceApplication | Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogTHrottleConfig -Default <new limit> -Maximum <new max size>
  5. Repeat step 3 to ensure the changes are applied.

All set!  So really not that bad, just needed to figure out why one would need a variable to be assigned and one needs an unnecessary pipe.

Implementing Global Navigation in SharePoint 2013

One of the complaints that often arise out of “SharePoint sprawl” is a lack of consistent navigation: users complain that they don’t know how to get to sites on SharePoint. An obvious fix to this would be to make a “global” navigation menu available to all sites in the farm. Unfortunately, in past versions of SharePoint, this isn’t as easy as it sounds: site collections do not share navigation items. There are various workarounds to this, from Infowise’s Enterprise Capacity Solution to custom site map providers to custom Visual Studio solutions.

Though it’s not the most elegant solution, SharePoint 2013 does provide the possibility of global site navigation out of the box.

To do this, we use a new feature of SharePoint called “Managed Navigation.” Managed Navigation uses the Managed Metadata Service [Term Sets] to generate navigation items for a site. There are a few quirks to this, so let’s go through setting up a simple global navigation structure on a site.

  1. In Central Administration, ensure that the “Managed Metadata Service” is running on the “Manage Services on Server” page.
  2. From the “Manage service applications” page, click on the “Manage Metadata Service” link, then click on the “Manage” button on the ribbon.
  3. Once the Term Store Management Tool opens, click on the drop down on the root of the “Managed Metadata Service” and click on “New Group.” Name the group “Navigation.”
  4. Create a new Term Set in the new group, following a similar method (click on the drop down for your new group, click on “New Term Set”).  Name this “Navigation Source.”
  5. If desired, change the owner of the new term set (by default it is you; if you are managing as part of a group you can change to that group instead.  Save your changes, then click on the “Intended Use” tab and make sure “Use this Term Set for Site Navigation” is selected while “Available for tagging” is not selected.
  6. Now create your terms. These will be the first level navigation items in your new menu.  Click on the drop down for the “Navigation Source” and click on “Create Term.”  Hint: You can create multiple navigation items at once by hitting after each one.
  7. For each of the navigation items created in step 6, make sure “Available for tagging” is UNselected on the general tab.  Save your changes, then click on the “Navigation” tab.  In the Navigation Node Section, click on the “Simple Link or Header” radio button and provide an URL to which this navigation item will navigate to (if desired – if you are looking into multi-level menus you can leave it blank; the item can still be a menu but won’t go anywhere when clicked).  NOTE: You can also use the “Term-Driven Page with Friendly URLs” option.  This choice requires that you have tagged the pages that you want on the menu with the proper terms so they show up.  Save your changes.
  8. If you only need a single level of navigation, you are done. If you want multi-level navigation, repeat steps 6 and 7 for each sub heading that you want.
  9. Next, create a new Term Sets at the “Navigation” level, one for each location (i.e. site collection) that will use this navigation.  Once again, make sure that the term sets are not available for tagging but used as a navigation term set.
  10. Click on the drop down menu for one of the new term sets, then choose the “Pin Term With Children” option.  In the resulting dialog box, choose each of the items “Navigation Source” set that you’d previously created (you have to do it for each term).  Repeat for each additional term set that you created in step 9.
    (If you’re wondering why this step is necessary, it’s because SharePoint will only allow you to associate a term set with one site collection.  Creating a new term set and “pinning” the navigation items to the new term set allows you to get past this restriction while ensuring that changes made to the navigation are propagated to sites that rely on the same navigation).
  11. Go to the site collection that you would like to change the navigation for.  Under the “Look & Feel” section select “Navigation” (if you do not see this link you may have to turn on the SharePoint Publishing feature for the site).
  12. Under either the Global Navigation (for top menu navigation) or Current Navigation (for left side navigation), choose the “Managed Navigation” option.
  13. In the “Managed Navigation: Term Set” page, find the term set that you created for this site collection, then click “OK.”
  14. Navigate back to the homepage for your site collection.  You should now see the navigation setup you created.
  15. Repeat for any other site collection that needs this navigation.

Collapsible Quick Launch Menus and Updating Master Pages in SharePoint 2013

Two posts in one today.

First up is the Quick Launch Menu (the navigation menu on the left). On many websites, you’ll find a navigation structure where there is a heading menu and several submenus underneath those. For example:

  • About Us
  • Our Menu

    • Appetizers
    • Main Courses
    • Desserts
    • Drinks
  • Specials

In many instances, especially where the menu structure can get rather long, the entire menu system is made to be collapsible, so you have to click a heading to expand the menu underneath. In our example, we’d have to click on “Our Menu” to look at the various food options.

Out of the box, SharePoint does not have this functionality. Though you can enable the Publishing infrastructure and utilize it’s Navigation options, this only gets you as far as the menu that we have above: you can click on headings and subheadings but you can’t collapse headings. You can change the master page for the site so that subheadings are flyouts (see, but that’s not what exactly we want. In order to do this, we need to utilize jQuery. The blog entry here has a nice jQuery script that will get you want quickly and easily.

Just put the script within a <script type=”text/javascript”> tag in the master page and add tags to reference jQuery (I recommend using a locally saved copy of jQuery – SharePoint had a knack for mangling externally linked JS files when I tried this) at the bottom of your master page, and you’re all set!

Well, maybe not so fast.

See, in past versions of Microsoft SharePoint Designer, it was easy to open a master page and edit it. That’s not the case in SharePoint 2013. With the introduction of what Microsoft calls Design Manager, Microsoft is trying to move users, especially those who aren’t familiar with behind the scenes coding, away from directly modifying web pages and potentially breaking things. Which is all well and good: dealing with heavily modified SharePoint pages can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Unfortunately the new changes in Design Manager are also a pain in the ass because, by design, the master page isn’t really supposed to be modified. It’s built out of a HTML page by the same name. So how do we do it?

1. Open the site to be modified in SharePoint Designer 2013 and navigate to the Master Pages section.
2. Choose an existing Master Page to edit. Right click the associated HTML page (e.g. Seattle.html or Oslo.html) and choose “copy.”
3. Paste the file into the same directory.
4. Rename this file to a name of your choosing. You’ll be prompted about updating links on the page; choose “Yes” to this dialog.
5. SharePoint will now create a new Master Page using the HTML page and name you’ve chosen.
6. Wait a bit – there are some changes that SharePoint needs to make these files work correctly.
7. You can now edit the new HTML file you copied. If you are looking to add SharePoint ASP objects, you may want to make use of the Snippet Gallery to do it. The Snippet Gallery can be accessed from the link given in the comments at the top of the HTML page. You want to use the Snippet Gallery because the new SharePoint Master Page format utilizes special HTML comments to implement ASP .NET tags (e.g. SPM:<SharePoint:>).
8. Save the file in SharePoint Designer.
9. From the site’s management page, navigate to the Master Page gallery and publish the HTML page (NOTE: You need publishing enabled both at the Site Collection and Site levels).
10. Choose the site’s new format by going to the “Master Page” settings under “Look and Feel.”

SharePoint 2013 sites locked after failed backup

If you use the Backup-SPSite PowerShell cmdlet to backup your SharePoint site collection and it fails for whatever reason, you may find that your SharePoint site is locked down in an read-only site. Visitors to the site may see a banner that indicates the site is under maintenance.
In SharePoint 2010 this situation could be remedied by unlocking the site in Central Administration (Application Management > Configure quotas and locks). However, in SharePoint 2013, if this situation occurs, the options to change the lock status will be greyed out.
In order to remedy this situation in SharePoint 2013, you need to change the site’s “Maintenance Mode” flag.

$Admin = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteAdministration('http://mysite/')
