Setting SharePoint Business Data Catalog limits

Got an error from an user who was using Business Data Connectivity to retrieve a large number of records from a database. That generated an error:

“Database Connector has throttled the response. The response from database contains more than ‘2000’ rows. The maximum number of rows that can be read through Database Connector is ‘2000’. The limit can be changed via the ‘Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig’ cmdlet.”

OK, simple enough. Or, as it turns out, not quite (but definitely still on the easy side!).

  1. First, we need the GUID for the Business Data Connectivity service.  Use the Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet in the SharePoint PowerShell to do this – just run the command and it will give you a list of service applications and their GUIDs.  Copy the GUID for the BDC.
  2. Now we need to get the BDC proxy and assign it to a variable (piping will not work here):
    $ServiceApplication = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity <GUID from step 1>
  3. If you want to see what the current limits are, you can run the Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig cmdlet by itself.
    Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items -ServiceApplicationProxy $ServiceApplication
  4. Now set the new limits. This time, we do pipe the results from Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig to the Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig cmdlet.
    Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items - ServiceApplicationProxy $ServiceApplication | Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogTHrottleConfig -Default <new limit> -Maximum <new max size>
  5. Repeat step 3 to ensure the changes are applied.

All set!  So really not that bad, just needed to figure out why one would need a variable to be assigned and one needs an unnecessary pipe.

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